
High Rainfall days in India’s districts in SW Monsoon 2023

An analysis of the daily district wise rainfall data from India Meteorological Department (IMD) for India’s South West Monsoon 2023 shows that there were 2176 instances when a district rainfall of a day was above 50 mm. Such high rainfall instances included 1759 instances when rainfall was 50-100 mm, 329 instances when it was 100-150 mm, 64 times it was 150-200 mm and 24 times above 200 mm. Out of 717 districts of India, 531 districts or, about 74% of the districts experienced such high rainfall days during SW monsoon 2023.

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SW Monsoon 2023: District wise rainfall in India

In the just concluded South West Monsoon 2023, India received 820 mm (925 mm in SW Monsoon 2022[i]) rainfall, about 94.45 % (106.5% in 2022) of the Normal SW Monsoon rainfall of 868.6 mm or 5.55% (6.5% above normal in 2022) below normal SW Monsoon rainfall as per India Meteorological Department (IMD). This rainfall will now be categorised as below normal rainfall though the distribution has been unprecedented, both temporally and spatially.

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