Ministry of Environment and Forests

2023: EAC & FAC Decisions on Dams, Hydro, Irrigation Projects

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DRP News Bulletin

DRP NB 25122023: Justice Swaminathan: SC closes its eyes to big-scale environmental violations

(Feature Image:- Justice G.R. Swaminathan of the Madras HC speaking at a seminar organised jointly by Madurai Bar Association and Wildlife Trust of India in Madurai on Sunday (Dec. 17). Photo Credit: G. MOORTHY/The Hindu)

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Rivers Crossing Highest Flood Levels in Dec 2023

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DRP News Bulletin

DRP NB 181223: Varanasi’s illegal tent city inaugurated by Prime Minister in Jan 2023

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Dam Decommissioning · Dam Safety

भारत में बांध हटाने की नीति व कार्यक्रम की आवश्यकता

(Feature Image: NDRF rescue work at damaged Tapovan Vishnugad HEP Dam in Chamoli, Uttarakhand in Feb. 2021. Image PTI/ Source: The Tribune)

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Dam Decommissioning · Dam Safety

दुनिया भर में बांधों को हटाने में वृद्धि

हिमांशु ठक्कर

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Dams · decommissioning

Why India needs Dam Decommissioning policy and program

India’s Dams and decommissioning As per the Parliamentary Committee for Ministry of Jal Shakti, in its 20th report dated March 2023[i], the committee had asked the Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation under the Ministry of Jal Shakti about the mechanism put in place in India to assess the viable lifespan and performance of dams and projects, which has a direct bearing upon the consideration for dam decommissioning. The Department had replied: “There is no mechanism to assess the viable lifespan and performance of dams… However, no information/recommendation from the dam owners has been submitted for de-commissioning of any of their dams.”

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Hydro Power Projects

2023: People’s Protests Against Hydro & Dam Projects in India

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Book Review

Book Review: An odyssey through waterbodies

Guest Article by: Abhilash Khandekar 

Book Review : “Shades of Blue—Connecting The Drops In Cities” by Harini Nagendra & Seema Mundoli, Penguin/Viking, Pages: 334, Price: Rs 499/- 

The scarcity of water,  how we use and misuse it and thus the very importance of this very precious resource is yet to dawn upon most Indians. Not that different awareness campaigns in various parts of the country are not held regularly. The media stories about deep water crisis, the plight of most of our rivers and lakes is all known yet criminal neglect of the water sector continues. Be it drinking water in our homes or hotels and other uses like factories, agriculture–all come from the very limited fresh water available to the mankind—0.5%. Over 96% water lies in seas and oceans and is salty; of the 3% of fresh water available, much is locked up in ice, snow and glaciers. So, the humankind have to rely only on the 0.5% water for survival. Authors Harini Nagendra and Seema Mundoli teach sustainability at the Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. They have already published highly readable book—Cities and Canopies which talk about a select important species of trees mostly found in urban areas.

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Dams Decommissioning going up globally

All large dams have finite life. What happens to the dams once the useful life of a dam is over? It would need to be decommissioned. Decommissioning of a dam generally refers to[i] complete removal of the dam and its associated structures. This is a very relevant question for India as the third largest dam builder of the world. It becomes even more important as large dams are no longer required or are no longer viable and importance of a flowing river is increasingly appreciated. It needs to be kept in mind that a dam cannot be allowed to remain on the river, without proper maintenance, as such a dam would remain a huge safety hazard for society and economy downstream from the dam.

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