Bhagirath Prayas Samman · India Rivers Week

India Rivers Week 2023: Bhagirath Prayas Samman to Dibang resistance; Anupam Mishra Medal to Swapan Kumar Bhowmick

At the tenth India Rivers Week function that was inaugurated at BAIF, Pune on Nov 25, 2023, the annual Bhagirath Prayas Samman (BPS) award for exemplary unsung work for river conservation was announced and the award went (jointly) to Bhanu Tatak and Dibang Resistance, both of Dibang River Basin in Arunachal Pradesh, North East India. The Anupam Mishra Medal (AMM) for exemplary media work for the cause of rivers was awarded to Swapan Kumar Bhowmick of Nadia, West Bengal, for this work that started way back in 1977. Both the awards were given away by well-known ecologist, Prof Madhav Gadgil. The BPS award was accompanied by a citation, a shawl and cash component of Rs 60 000. The AMM award was accompanied by a citation, a shawl and a medal.[i]

Bhanu Tatak getting BPS Award from Shri Madhav Gadgil at IRW 2023 in Pune on Nov 25 2023 also on behalf of Dibang Resistance

BPS Award Citation The BPS award citation read: “The Organising Committee of the India Rivers Week has great pleasure in awarding the BHAGIRATH PRAYAAS SAMMAN 2023

To Bhanu Tatak and Dibang Resistance, Arunachal Pradesh, in appreciation of their dedicated efforts to bring together the people of Arunachal Pradesh, especially the communities of the Dibang river basin, to protect the rich ecosystems and cultures of the upper Brahmaputra.

“The Brahmaputra and its tributaries in North East India support one of the most biodiverse landscapes in the country. These forested mountains have also sustained indigenous communities for millennia. It is these ongoing relations that enable the prosperity and wellbeing of those living downstream in the valleys of Assam. Protecting the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the entire river basin on which millions of people and other living beings depend and where diverse cultures flourish. Climate change underlines the importance of this goal. 

“Mega hydropower dams are the biggest threat to the rivers and peoples of the North East. For decades, Dibang Resistance and other groups have been steadfastly opposing dams proposed on the Dibang river, a major tributary of Brahmaputra. By raising awareness, bringing people together in non-violent protest, and using the law, Dibang Resistance has shown an exemplary dedication to democratic decision-making on an issue that is vital not only to local communities in the North East, but to the ecological security of the entire eastern Himalaya. In this struggle, Bhanu Tatak has emerged as the voice of Dibang.

“We salute the heroic persistence of Dibang Resistance. In particular, we applaud Bhanu Tatak who has used her skills as an artist and researcher to fight for greater transparency and community control over projects that threaten local communities and their ecology. We are delighted to honour the efforts of Bhanu Tatak and her comrades in protecting the river and people of the Dibang Basin. Their courage and resolve is an inspiration to us all. Pune, November 25, 2023.

[Signed] Shashi Shekhar, Chairperson of the Jury, Bhagirath Prayaas Samman”.

AMM citation Similarly, the AMM citation read: “The Organising Committee of the India Rivers Week has great pleasure in awarding the ANUPAM MISHRA MEMORIAL MEDAL 2023

Swapan Kumar Bhowmick getting AMM award from Shri Madhav Gadgil on Nov 25 2023

To Swapan Kumar Bhowmick in appreciation of his long-term in-depth reporting which has brought the cause of rivers in Nadia (West Bengal) into the public eye.

“For more than forty five years, Swapan Bhowmik has focused on Nadia’s rivers through his fortnightly Bengali paper Krishi Sahitya Patrika. Since 2020, his online video reporting has spread awareness even wider. Through his print and video articles, he has highlighted the state of the Ichchhamati, Mathabhanga and Churni rivers, as well as the streams, lakes and wetlands that make up the waterscape of deltaic Bengal. Millions of people in India and Bangladesh live by these rivers and Swapan Bhowmik’s attention to the problem of pollution and its effects on fisheries and agriculture has created public awareness and mobilised action. Not only has Swapan Bhowmik consistently reported on rivers, he has also submitted petitions and helped organise protest demonstrations. His persistent work over the decades holds the government to account, pushes advocacy for action, and is in the best tradition of independent, informed journalism. His well-researched, consistent and pro-people reporting on the rivers of Nadia is exemplary and he is a fitting recipient for the Anupam Mishra Medal.

“It is an honour to salute Swapan Kumar Bhowmick’s tireless work as a journalist and his commitment to enriching public discourse on Nadia’s rivers by presenting him the Anupam Mishra Memorial Medal 2023. Pune, Date: November 25, 2023

[Signed] Shashi Shekhar Chairperson of the Jury, Anupam Mishra Memorial Medal”.

Jury The jury of both the awards includes Shri Shashi Shekhar (Chairman, former Secretary, Union Ministry of Water Resources), Prof Amita Baviskar, Dr S Janakrajan, S Vishwanath, Abhilash Khandekar and Himanshu Thakkar.


[i] For details of previous years of awards, see:,,

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